January 21, 2018
Prof. S. Ramkumar
Does time decides events or events decide time?
All events in life take place at a “time” and life is collection of these events. For eg. An accident on road happens at a time. We can think, rationally, that the accident could have been avoided provided the previous events – how we started a day on a morning, took a bath, talked over phone had tea, breakfast etc. If a fraction of a second delay or difference in timing was there in the previous events, that accident at that point of time would not have happened. But we do not know that an event/accident is waiting. Time sets or decides that event ? People remark “my time is not right”. We are familiar with the man made 24 hours of a day and night marked as am and pm. But the “time” we talk about is a combination of events, it is a construct of attributes that make the time.
Losing a job, not getting something we wanted, getting something better than what we expected, getting sick, straining relations, building relations which are usually marked by humans as achievement, recognition, appreciation, satisfaction (or their opposites) etc are events. On a different note the occurrence of events are sometimes viewed as “chance” founded upon randomness (different view of discussion). Whatever, events exist.
An year signifies human construct. A construct that tends us to believe that time is existing as dates, months and years and they move forward, which is fair to create an order and uniformity much needed for the humans to exist and coordinate connectivity between them.
But science and religions talk about time as a relative phenomenon. They view it as a process in which changes around (changes are events!), and in us, constructs “time” which is relative. The same hours of a clock seem to run slow when we are upset and worried, while it flies when we are happy and satisfied. Einstein’s famous contribution on relativity has helped us to learn this in an easier way. In a way we are same…things around us change and we say time is moving. Interestingly we must think of time as a localised phenomenon: every object of the Universe has its own time running, at a pace determined by the local gravitational field (Rovelli).
Every event has a time-linking and any time has an event-linking. Thinking in simpler terms the canvas of events of a life exists, unfolding around an individual. We do not move, that moves (we call it as change, which is ubiquitous). When it moves, we call it as time.
Does time decides events or events decide time?