Dr. Ramkumar's Blog

STRANDOMS: the stray and random thoughts

January 1, 2020

Prof. S. Ramkumar


Techno sapiens: the evolution in 2020

We are changing. Like it or not. The change is slow, but sure. The new dawn of the third decade of this century starts bringing in a lot of technology-dependent activities carried over from the last two decades of fast accelerating innovations. Probably by 2030 the “techno sapiens” transitioning from ‘homo sapiens” (Latin meaning “wise man” introduced in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus) are going to be more perceptible

The decade of 2020, I consider, is going to be turning point of this century. It’s a determining decade because

  1. By 2030 there will be a majority in the population who are “techno-literate” who will be leading the world activities.
  2. This decade is likely to be crucial on deciding the nature of the human beings (including transformation on anatomical peculiarities) for the remaining centuries.
  3. This decade starts deciding on how the humans of this decade – whether they are the young , born into the techno-vibrant era, or before that era – are going to be.

Some evident examples which “nurture” the Techno sapiens or “denature” the homo sapiens are mentioned below.

It’s a comparison of the Homo sapiens (what we were) Versus Techno sapiens (What we are, or going to be)

  1. “Passive forwarders” of messages and images – a compulsory (dis)order. Its connectivity irrespective of originality or creativity.
  2. Behavioral differences in eliciting responses in a normal communication (including irritability and callousness in active listening) which is sequel to the omnipresent technology.
  3. Paradox in “distance destroyed”: closer members living in physical proximity may be “too far” to see and listen Vs unknown friends living in corners of the globe who are connected and cared sans distance.
  4. “Camera philiac” and “selfie centric”
  5. Disconnecting with realities near around (like seeing stars in a sky) Vs Virtually connecting with far off (like seeing stars or universe from a computer in a cozy room).
  6. Indicators of virtual-world-life being invented more than the physical world.
  7. “Enquiring process” (enquiry mind, wisdom) Vs “instant information” (information-rich, knowledge)
  8. “Physical sports and games Vs technology games
  9. “Positioned instincts” Vs “Displaced instincts”

We can plot the evolution of the Techno sapien!

The changes mentioned will have influences in different fields of daily life: like health, education, agriculture, law, politics, and administration


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