Dr. Ramkumar's Blog

STRANDOMS: the stray and random thoughts

April 10,2023

Prof. S. Ramkumar


Understanding “Trust” in a relation!

Have you ever felt sometimes someone (close or distant) has broken the trust you held for him/her?
But then was it your definition of “trust” that was broken?
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest of them all”! “Beauty” and “Trust” are two important virtues every human being requires to live upto.
Interestingly “trust” too, like beauty, depend on the mirror you hold, and the interpretation you make!
Hold on that mirror to see “you” and interpret.
Check on what can be trust…

Zooms the light of honesty that travels with a life of success.

Trust is the mind to accept others “as they are”, and not as “we want them”.

Trust binds the bountiful beacons of happy relation!

Trust accepts the choice of others around to do what they love to

Trust brings Beauty and goodness

To the beings around!

Trust travels with tolerance.

Trust is being a part of the life of others, to travel with.

Sail through the sacrifices, hard times, temptations and struggles,

to closely hold on the trust and, assure the triumph of trust.

Look at the mirror of trust, to see you, and say –

“Don’t think of trust Just trust your thinking!”


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